(515) 288-8222

Intermittent In-Home Brain Injury Rehabilitation

In many cases, the transition to home from residential treatment requires ongoing professional support to ensure success. To facilitate a durability of outcomes achieved, Community NeuroRehab’s intermittent in-home rehabilitation focuses on working with participants as they are transitioning from our residential program to community living in their own homes. Intermittent support is also an option for those currently living in the community who are in need of greater support or for those transitioning out of other residential programs.  Depending on the participant and family needs, a highly structured, flexible, supportive and professionally developed treatment program may include:

We believe that individuals with a brain injury can best generalize their gains into a community setting when they receive services in the community, thus promoting the reacquisition of daily living skills and the use of strategies that will maximize access to community living options.  Participants are fully informed about their health and medical condition and have the opportunity to participate in the planning of total care and treatment.  Each participant is encouraged and assisted, throughout the rehabilitation process, to exercise their rights and may voice grievances and recommend changes in policies and services.  Participants develop their skills with the assistance of program staff, a majority of whom are Certified Brain Injury Specialists (CBIS) or who are in process of certification (Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists).

Discharge from the Intermittent In-Home Brain Injury Rehabilitation program occurs upon the multi-disciplinary team determining the participant’s needs no longer require intermittent community-based neurobehavioral rehabilitation.  On average, 73% percent of the time participants receiving intermittent discharge with waiver supports in the community. Of the 27% which transitioned to a higher level of care, all re-admitted to CNR’s Residential Brain Injury Rehabilitation program.

Contact us–we can help, there is hope for a better life after brain injury.

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